MACH ARCHEX Roanoak Reinflame Deuces
Wild DNA-VP, STDcds, OF, AAD, EAC,
GS-O, RE (AKc), RA (ASCA), SJ-R, FGDCh-90K
Crown Point Red Rodeo Ray CDX GS-O JS-E RS-E DNA-CP x Charismas Rei of Son DNA-CP
Red Merle Male, w/ C/W, 20″, 43 pounds,
Scissors bite, Full Dentition,
6/6/02 – 9/19/15
OFA-Good (S-19606G24M-PI), Elbows
Good (AS-EL1257M24-PI),
MDR-I: Normal/Normal
Deuce was born an ‘old soul’, according to Monica, his breeder, like the Crown Point part of his heritage. Deuce’s strong spirit and heart showed through right until the end. He loved people of all sizes and so many people loved him as well. He entranced people when we did pet therapy visits, which was typical of him wherever we went. My handsome, lovely boy was a water baby who scared my silly by jumping off a dock when he was 7 weeks old and then went and did it again right away. His favorite sport of everything that we did together was dock diving where he he consistently jumped in the senior division with his longest being 19’11”. He loved to play in all of our sports and he is my first dog to MACH and went on after to play in agility with a friend to give the friend experience. Deuce loved flyball too once his handler (me) figured out the right reward and played right up until his cardiac diagnosis earning over 99,000 points and remains the #3 aussie and the #59 dog in NAFA overall over 2 years after he retired. He also would run for other people when needed. He was also a beautiful rally working companion. Deuce used to run laps around the outside of the house first with Arrow and later Whist, creating a track with banks in the yard. And when XO came along they had a special relationship and liked to play their own games.